Thursday, August 17, 2006

You need a good pen and a notebook

If you don't have a good pen and a notebook of some kind to record your thoughts, do yourself a favor and go buy both.

Some suggestsions:

Notebooks - Gotta go with the Moleskine

Pens - This one is harder so I'll give a couple of options
Truly there are so many more pens out there that if I mentioned all of the good ones, this post would be days long. Also, to get the true joy of writing with a good pen, it must be a fountain pen.

I saw one other pen that bears mention. Last week I was in my favorite local pen shop, Dromgoole's and Larry brought out the new limited edition Divine Proportion or Divina Proporzione pen from Visconti and all I can say is wow, I want one. Now!

If you want to go visit Larry and check out any of these pens, his store is at 2515 Rice Boulevard in Houston.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006


Found a new site that I really like. I haven't done any transactions yet, but I think the idea is pretty damned cool. Plus, I haven't updated this blog in about 100 years, so this gives me an excuse to post something.

Soooo..... everybody go check out

The basic idea is that you list books on there and give them away to people who want them, in exchange, you can "mooch" books off of other people. I love the idea, its based on a point system kind of like Barterbee.