Thursday, August 17, 2006

You need a good pen and a notebook

If you don't have a good pen and a notebook of some kind to record your thoughts, do yourself a favor and go buy both.

Some suggestsions:

Notebooks - Gotta go with the Moleskine

Pens - This one is harder so I'll give a couple of options
Truly there are so many more pens out there that if I mentioned all of the good ones, this post would be days long. Also, to get the true joy of writing with a good pen, it must be a fountain pen.

I saw one other pen that bears mention. Last week I was in my favorite local pen shop, Dromgoole's and Larry brought out the new limited edition Divine Proportion or Divina Proporzione pen from Visconti and all I can say is wow, I want one. Now!

If you want to go visit Larry and check out any of these pens, his store is at 2515 Rice Boulevard in Houston.

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